Valentina lisitsa height
Valentina lisitsa height

And I was such a miserable failure in all of those, you know, I was discarded. They tried to push me towards figure skating, ballet, and swimming. So by 3 years old they’ve already pushed me towards anything they can think about like pushy parents, except tennis, which is strange. My parents they were dreaming at a better future for their children. And it was the same back when I was growing up in the Soviet Union. Millions of parents have dreams for their children, which they will go and become pianists, so there are thousands, or hundreds of thousands of pianos built, purchased. VALENTINA LISITSA: You know, many counties, for example now that China is experiencing the same. MELANIE SPANSWICK: But you come from a non-musical family, so, what attracted you to the piano? How did you start? Which is a huge difference, huge difference. VALENTINA LISITSA: Three and eight months. MELANIE SPANSWICK: Well, I want to start by asking you a little bit about your musical education, because you’ve started at age 3. VALENTINA LISITSA: Thank you Melanie, I’m so delighted to talk with you, on camera. So I’m delighted that she has taken some time out of her very, very busy schedule, to join me here today, for a classical conversation in Cardiff. And she is in demand as a pianist all over the world. Her channel has received almost 50 million hits. MELANIE SPANSWICK: Ukrainian concert pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, is the most popular classical pianist on YouTube. And the transcript for those who prefer to read the interview:

Valentina lisitsa height